Adam Sandler's Net Worth Is Higher Than You Think

According toCelebrity Net Worth, Adam Sandler is estimated to have a net worth of $420 million. That's a lot of money, even by Hollywood standards. According toForbes, the star has been one of thehighest-paid actorsin Hollywood for years. In 2019, streaming giant Netflix paid Sandler "$31 million ... as part of his four-film, $250 million

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Adam Sandler is estimated to have a net worth of $420 million. That's a lot of money, even by Hollywood standards. According to Forbes, the star has been one of the highest-paid actors in Hollywood for years. In 2019, streaming giant Netflix paid Sandler "$31 million ... as part of his four-film, $250 million deal signed in 2014," Forbes reported. The outlet added that Netflix was willing to extend their partnership because of how streamable Sandler is; he was streamed over 2 billion hours in 2019. While Sandler's streaming numbers are impressive, the "Uncut Gems" star also gets money from producing through his Happy Madison Productions company. In 2014, Business Insider noted that company — which has produced dozens of films with actors like David Spade, Kevin James, and Chris Rock — has made over $3.9 billion.

For Sandler, his money-making ability is a reminder of his roots. In a 2020 interview with "60 Minutes," Sandler revealed he performed at the Comic Strip Club in New York City over 500 times when he was in college. When asked if he remembered how much he made, Sandler said, "I think it was ten bucks a night, ten bucks. That was good. Didn't care." Though Sandler didn't care how much he made then, we're sure that he's happy with his bank account now.

