My idea of a new wrestling match type (what's yours)?

My match type would be a "Ladder & Cage Tag-Team Match". Here's how it works. It would be between two tag-teams. One partner from each side starts in the ring, and their partners are each locked in a Shark Cage at ringside.

I have an idea of a match type which I came up with, and was wondering if any of you have ever thought of an idea for a match type.

My match type would be a "Ladder & Cage Tag-Team Match".

Here's how it works.

It would be between two tag-teams. One partner from each side starts in the ring, and their partners are each locked in a Shark Cage at ringside.

Two keys will be hanging above the ring. Each key unlocks one of the cages.

The idea is for the first two competitors to fight, try to retrieve a ladder from under the ring, and grab a key. They can then use the key to unlock the Shark Cage their partner is in.

Once someone rescues their partner, then it can be a two-on-one attack, until the other participant can climb the ladder, retrieve the key and unlock their partner's cage, evening up the odds. Then it would revert to a Tornado Tag-Team Match until a pinfall or submission occurs.

The thing with this too, is that the advantage is weighed heavily in whoever unlocks their partner first, as it is a lot harder for the second person to climb the ladder and retrieve the key, when they now have two people to tip the ladder over.

Also, an added complication would be that no-one knows what key unlocks which cage. So you could climb the ladder, get the key and try to unlock the cage, only to find that the key doesn't work, because it is for the other cage. You now have to climb the ladder again and get the other key, while keeping the original key you grabbed out of the clutches of the opponent.

I think this would be a cool match type.

What ideas for a match type have you had in the past? This could be a good opportunity to share our ideas, and what others think of them.

