The Untold Truth Of Craig Melvin

WhileTodayviewers see Craig Melvin wearing a suit and tie when he's on the air, he apparently has a buff bod concealed beneath. Maintaining that fit and healthy physique, he toldCity Lifestyle, is something he insists on carving out time for. His motivation for staying in shape, he joked,was because "I honestly just don't want to

While Today viewers see Craig Melvin wearing a suit and tie when he's on the air, he apparently has a buff bod concealed beneath. Maintaining that fit and healthy physique, he told City Lifestyle, is something he insists on carving out time for. His motivation for staying in shape, he joked, was because "I honestly just don't want to be morbidly obese."

Apparently, he was only half-joking, admitting there's a certain degree of vanity in his quest to stay fit. "If I didn't do what I do for a living, I'd probably be 300 pounds," he said. "My primary motivation for hitting the gym is that I don't want to look fat on TV."

According to Melvin, his philosophy is "old school when it comes to the gym," relying on a regimen that includes cardio — running outdoors in the summer months — and lifting weights. "In the winter, I'm in the gym. I'm an elliptical guy and I need 20 minutes of cardio or I don't feel like I've worked out sufficiently," he explained, adding that when it comes to weight training he swears by "low weight, high reps."

