D&D 5E - Starter Set: Phandalin Map | Page 3

Come visit our Shrine of Luck, rabbits feet and quadleaf clover all half off, unless they're starting to go off, then it's in the rubbish with em. Don't forget the Miner's Exchange. When you're miner is getting worn down and has a blunted or broken pick, come trade him for a new one at a

Phandalin Tourist Council, aka Old Fred after a couple of pints

Come visit our Shrine of Luck, rabbits feet and quadleaf clover all half off, unless they're starting to go off, then it's in the rubbish with em.

Don't forget the Miner's Exchange. When you're miner is getting worn down and has a blunted or broken pick, come trade him for a new one at a reasonable fee. Or was that supposed to be the pick? Eh, whatever works.

Speaking of working, don't forget our world famous woodworker. We likes to keep his skills a secret from everyone else, so he don't have no name. Well, he probably has a name, but I'm 6 pints in and well, you know...

Oh, Stonehill Inn is a wonderful establishment that provides me with this delicious brew, and doesn't even make me pay more than standard price for it. Except when I barf on somebody. But that never happens, well not today at least.

That reminds me, just down the road a few, bout halfway to the Manor house up on the hill is the Sleeping Giant! Bet you didn't expect that. Who'd have thought an place like that would be there and so close to here. Hey, lookie that, I done finished another beer. Innkeep, I'd like another one peas. So if you ever go to the smithy... What ya mean I never told you what the Sleeping Giant is? Course I told ya... Ya know, that sounds kinda good right now. [thud] zzzzzzzzz.


