Kayla Braxton Wants To Work With Renee Paquette Again

Renee Paquette formerly known as Renee Young worked in WWE from 2012 to 2020. During her tenure with the company, she served in many backstage roles including commentary, backstage interviewer, and host of many WWE shows. Her versatility made her well-liked among the WWE Universe.

Renee Paquette formerly known as Renee Young worked in WWE from 2012 to 2020. During her tenure with the company, she served in many backstage roles including commentary, backstage interviewer, and host of many WWE shows. Her versatility made her well-liked among the WWE Universe.

However, fans were saddened to learn that Renee Paquette had departed WWE in 2020. At that time, she cited completion of goals as the reason behind her departure. However, after many years, Renee Paquette made her much anticipated debut on last night’s episode of AEW Dynamite.

Since then, the pro wrestling world has been buzzing with many WWE and AEW superstars reacting to Paquette’s debut. Kayla Braxton who has shouldered some of Renee Paquette’s responsibilities after the latter’s departure from the company took to Twitter to express her desire to work with Renee Paquette again.

“Not gonna lie – wish she was back with us, but super pumped for this woman and all she’s got going on. Congrats, @ReneePaquette, you bad ass, you!” she tweeted.

Renee Paquette responded to Kayla Braxton on Twitter saying that she loves seeing her hold down the fort.

“Thanks KB!!! Love seeing you hold things down at WWE. You guys got a solid crew! see you at the Colleen Hoover book club meet ups [sic],” she replied.

Since Renne Paquette’s departure, Kayla Braxton has taken on similar duties of the former and she is also extremely well-like by the fans thanks to her personality. It will be interesting to see these two women work together again.

You can check out the exchange on Twitter here:

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