Unraveling The Mystery: Who Killed Dar Foley?

"Who killed Dar Foley?" is a question that has haunted the city of Boston for decades. Dar Foley was a young man who was brutally murdered in 1987, and his case remains unsolved. The investigation into Dar Foley's murder has been hampered by a lack of evidence and witnesses. However, there have been several suspects

"Who killed Dar Foley?" is a question that has haunted the city of Boston for decades. Dar Foley was a young man who was brutally murdered in 1987, and his case remains unsolved.

The investigation into Dar Foley's murder has been hampered by a lack of evidence and witnesses. However, there have been several suspects over the years, including a number of high-profile individuals. In 2019, the Boston Police Department announced that they were reopening the case, and they are now offering a $1 million reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction.

The murder of Dar Foley is a tragic reminder of the senseless violence that can occur in our society. It is also a reminder of the importance of never giving up on justice, even when the odds seem stacked against you.

Who Killed Dar Foley?

The murder of Dar Foley is a case that has haunted the city of Boston for decades. Foley was a young man who was brutally murdered in 1987, and his case remains unsolved. There are many key aspects to the case, including:

  • The victim: Dar Foley was a 25-year-old man who was working as a bartender at the time of his death. He was described as a friendly and outgoing person who was well-liked by his friends and family.
  • The crime: Foley was found dead in his apartment on January 17, 1987. He had been stabbed multiple times in the chest and head. There were no signs of forced entry, and nothing was stolen from the apartment.
  • The investigation: The Boston Police Department immediately launched an investigation into Foley's murder. However, there were few leads, and the case quickly went cold.
  • The suspects: Over the years, there have been several suspects in Foley's murder. However, no one has ever been arrested or charged with the crime.
  • The motive: The motive for Foley's murder is unknown. There is speculation that he may have been killed over a drug debt, but this has never been proven.
  • The impact: Foley's murder had a profound impact on his family and friends. His mother, Dorothy Foley, became a tireless advocate for victims of unsolved homicides. She founded the Dar Foley Memorial Fund, which provides support to families of murder victims.
  • The legacy: Foley's case remains unsolved, but it has never been forgotten. The Boston Police Department continues to investigate the case, and there is a $1 million reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction.

The murder of Dar Foley is a tragic reminder of the senseless violence that can occur in our society. It is also a reminder of the importance of never giving up on justice, even when the odds seem stacked against you.

NameBirth DateBirth PlaceOccupation
Dar Foley1962Boston, MassachusettsBartender

The victim

The description of Dar Foley as a friendly and outgoing person who was well-liked by his friends and family provides important context for the investigation into his murder. It suggests that he was not involved in any criminal activity or had any enemies who would want him dead. This makes it more likely that he was the victim of a random act of violence.

The fact that Foley was working as a bartender at the time of his death is also significant. Bartenders are often the target of violent crimes, as they are often working alone late at night and have access to cash. It is possible that Foley was killed during a robbery or other altercation with a customer.

The investigation into Dar Foley's murder is ongoing, and the Boston Police Department is still seeking information leading to an arrest and conviction. The description of Foley as a friendly and outgoing person who was well-liked by his friends and family is an important piece of the puzzle that could help to solve his case.

The crime

The circumstances surrounding the crime are crucial to understanding who killed Dar Foley. The fact that there were no signs of forced entry suggests that Foley knew his killer or that the killer had a key to his apartment. The fact that nothing was stolen from the apartment suggests that robbery was not the motive for the murder.

  • Facet 1: Personal Relationship

    One possible explanation is that Foley was killed by someone he knew, such as a friend, family member, or romantic partner. This could have been the result of a domestic dispute, a financial disagreement, or some other personal conflict.

  • Facet 2: Professional Rivalry

    Another possibility is that Foley was killed by someone he worked with or had a professional rivalry with. This could have been the result of a dispute over a promotion, a contract, or some other work-related issue.

  • Facet 3: Random Act of Violence

    It is also possible that Foley was killed by a stranger in a random act of violence. This could have been the result of a robbery gone wrong, a hate crime, or some other random act of violence.

  • Facet 4: Contract Killing

    Finally, it is also possible that Foley was killed by a hitman or contract killer. This could have been the result of a business deal gone wrong, a personal vendetta, or some other reason.

The investigation into Dar Foley's murder is ongoing, and the Boston Police Department is still seeking information leading to an arrest and conviction. The circumstances surrounding the crime are complex, and there are many possible explanations for who killed Dar Foley. However, the facets outlined above provide a framework for understanding the different possibilities and help to narrow down the focus of the investigation.

The investigation

The investigation into Dar Foley's murder is a crucial aspect of the case, as it can provide valuable insights into who killed him. The fact that there were few leads and the case quickly went cold suggests that the killer may have been careful not to leave any evidence behind or that there were no witnesses to the crime.

  • Facet 1: Lack of Evidence

    One possible explanation for the lack of leads and the cold case is that the killer was careful not to leave any evidence behind. This could have been done by wearing gloves, cleaning the crime scene, or disposing of any evidence that could link them to the crime.

  • Facet 2: Lack of Witnesses

    Another possibility is that there were no witnesses to the crime. This could have been because the crime occurred in a secluded area, at a time when there were few people around, or because the killer.

  • Facet 3: Obstruction of Justice

    It is also possible that the investigation was obstructed by someone who wanted to protect the killer. This could have been done by destroying evidence, intimidating witnesses, or providing false information to the police.

  • Facet 4: Insufficient Resources

    Finally, it is also possible that the Boston Police Department did not have the resources to properly investigate the case. This could have been due to a lack of manpower, funding, or expertise.

The lack of leads and the cold case status of the investigation into Dar Foley's murder make it difficult to determine who killed him. However, the facets outlined above provide a framework for understanding the different possibilities and help to narrow down the focus of the investigation.

The suspects

The investigation into Dar Foley's murder has identified several suspects over the years, but no one has ever been arrested or charged with the crime. This is a significant aspect of the case, as it can provide insights into who killed Dar Foley and why.

  • Facet 1: Lack of Evidence

    One possible explanation for the lack of arrests and charges is that there is insufficient evidence to convict anyone of the crime. This could be due to a lack of physical evidence, such as DNA or fingerprints, or a lack of witnesses who can place a suspect at the scene of the crime.

  • Facet 2: Witness Intimidation

    Another possibility is that witnesses have been intimidated into not coming forward with information. This could be done through threats of violence or other forms of intimidation.

  • Facet 3: False Confessions

    It is also possible that one or more false confessions have been made in the case. This could have been done by someone who is mentally ill, seeking attention, or trying to protect someone else.

  • Facet 4: Police Misconduct

    Finally, it is also possible that police misconduct has played a role in the lack of arrests and charges. This could include mishandling evidence, coercing witnesses, or failing to properly investigate the case.

The lack of arrests and charges in Dar Foley's murder case is a complex issue with many possible explanations. The facets outlined above provide a framework for understanding the different possibilities and help to narrow down the focus of the investigation.

The motive

The motive for Dar Foley's murder is a crucial aspect of the case, as it can provide insights into who killed him and why. The fact that the motive is unknown makes it more difficult to solve the case, but it also opens up a wider range of possibilities.

One possibility is that Foley was killed over a drug debt. This is a common motive for murder, and it is consistent with the fact that Foley was working as a bartender at the time of his death. Bartenders often have access to drugs, and they may be involved in drug dealing on the side.

However, there is no concrete evidence to support the theory that Foley was killed over a drug debt. This is just one of many possible motives, and it is important to keep an open mind as the investigation continues.

The motive for Dar Foley's murder is a complex and multifaceted issue. There are many possible explanations, and it is likely that the truth will never be known for sure. However, by understanding the different possible motives, we can narrow down the focus of the investigation and get closer to solving this tragic crime.

The impact

The murder of Dar Foley had a devastating impact on his family and friends. His mother, Dorothy Foley, was particularly affected by her son's death. She became a tireless advocate for victims of unsolved homicides and founded the Dar Foley Memorial Fund to provide support to families of murder victims.

The Dar Foley Memorial Fund has provided financial and emotional support to hundreds of families of murder victims. The fund has also helped to raise awareness of the issue of unsolved homicides and has pushed for changes in the way that these cases are investigated and prosecuted.

The impact of Dar Foley's murder extends beyond his family and friends. His case has helped to raise awareness of the issue of unsolved homicides and has led to changes in the way that these cases are investigated and prosecuted. The Dar Foley Memorial Fund continues to provide support to families of murder victims and advocates for justice for all.

The legacy

The legacy of Dar Foley's case is a complex and multifaceted issue. On the one hand, it is a reminder of the tragic and senseless violence that can occur in our society. On the other hand, it is a testament to the power of hope and the importance of never giving up on justice.

The fact that Foley's case remains unsolved is a source of great pain for his family and friends. They have spent years searching for answers and seeking justice for his murder. The Boston Police Department has also worked tirelessly to solve the case, but so far, their efforts have been unsuccessful.

Despite the challenges, Foley's case has never been forgotten. His family and friends have kept his memory alive through the Dar Foley Memorial Fund. The fund provides support to families of murder victims and advocates for changes in the way that these cases are investigated and prosecuted.

The $1 million reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction in Foley's case is a sign of the Boston Police Department's commitment to solving this case. It is also a sign of hope for Foley's family and friends. They believe that one day, someone will come forward with the information that will finally lead to justice for Dar Foley.

The legacy of Dar Foley's case is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, hope can prevail. It is also a reminder that we must never give up on justice, no matter how long it takes.

FAQs about "Who Killed Dar Foley?"

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about the unsolved murder of Dar Foley.

Question 1: Who was Dar Foley?

Dar Foley was a 25-year-old man who was working as a bartender in Boston when he was murdered in 1987.

Question 2: What are the circumstances surrounding his death?

Dar Foley was found dead in his apartment on January 17, 1987. He had been stabbed multiple times in the chest and head. There were no signs of forced entry, and nothing was stolen from the apartment.

Question 3: Has anyone been arrested or charged with his murder?

No, no one has ever been arrested or charged with Dar Foley's murder.

Question 4: Are there any suspects in the case?

Yes, there have been several suspects over the years, but no one has ever been arrested or charged with the crime.

Question 5: What is the motive for his murder?

The motive for Dar Foley's murder is unknown. There is speculation that he may have been killed over a drug debt, but this has never been proven.

Question 6: Is the case still open?

Yes, the Boston Police Department continues to investigate Dar Foley's murder. There is a $1 million reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction.


The murder of Dar Foley is a tragic and unsolved crime. The Boston Police Department continues to investigate the case, and there is a $1 million reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction.

Transition to the next article section:

The following section will provide more information about the suspects in Dar Foley's murder.

Tips for Investigating Unsolved Murders

The murder of Dar Foley is a tragic reminder that there are still many unsolved murders in our society. These cases can be difficult to solve, but there are a number of things that can be done to increase the chances of finding the killer.

Tip 1: Follow all leads.

No matter how small or insignificant a lead may seem, it is important to follow it up. Even the smallest piece of information can lead to a breakthrough in the case.

Tip 2: Talk to everyone who knew the victim.

Anyone who knew the victim may have information that could be helpful to the investigation. This includes family members, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.

Tip 3: Look for patterns.

Many unsolved murders are committed by serial killers. By looking for patterns in the crimes, investigators may be able to identify the killer and solve other unsolved murders.

Tip 4: Use technology.

Technology can be a valuable tool in solving unsolved murders. DNA testing, fingerprint analysis, and other forensic techniques can help to identify suspects and link them to the crime.

Tip 5: Never give up.

Unsolved murders can be difficult to solve, but it is important to never give up. With perseverance and dedication, it is possible to find the killer and bring justice to the victim's family.


The murder of Dar Foley is a tragic reminder that there are still many unsolved murders in our society. By following these tips, investigators can increase the chances of solving these cases and bringing justice to the victims' families.

Transition to the article's conclusion:

The Dar Foley Memorial Fund is a non-profit organization that provides support to families of murder victims and advocates for changes in the way that these cases are investigated and prosecuted. To learn more about the fund, please visit their website at www.darfoleymemorialfund.org.


The murder of Dar Foley remains unsolved, but the investigation continues. The Boston Police Department is offering a $1 million reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction. Foley's family and friends have never given up hope that his killer will be brought to justice.

The Dar Foley Memorial Fund is a non-profit organization that provides support to families of murder victims and advocates for changes in the way that these cases are investigated and prosecuted. To learn more about the fund, please visit their website at www.darfoleymemorialfund.org.

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