What does being a TV champion mean?

It is a title reserved for someone whose worth is being diminshed on a weekly basis, someone who should be the focal point of the organization, but instead has to remain in the shadows of past legends who were relevant over a decade ago.

Apparently, the TV champion is a title dedicated to the main guy on your roster, the professional wrestler of the year, the guy who was and should be the face of your company but who instead has been relegated to mid-card status as a flunky amongst a large heel faction. It is a title reserved for someone who is expected to defend the title on a weekly basis on free TV, although he rarely does, even though the guy should be defending main event titles in the main event of PPV's. And when he does defend the title, it is typically against lacklustre talent whereby he often has to cheat to win, further minimizing his stature because he has to resort to such measures to get past guys who really shouldn't be in the ring with him in the first place.

It is a title reserved for someone whose worth is being diminshed on a weekly basis, someone who should be the focal point of the organization, but instead has to remain in the shadows of past legends who were relevant over a decade ago.

Hopefully a TV champion is someone who eventually gets frustrated with the misuse of his talent and eventually decides to display these talents in another rival organization, where he will have an actual audience of fans and receive the respect he deserves.

