Why Suzanne Somers Was Only In 5 Seasons Of Three's Company

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the network responded to Suzanne Somers' demands by offering her a $5,000 raise per episode, which still left her making $115,000 less than John Ritter. Things got really tense when Somers missed taping two episodes of the show, claiming the flare-up of an old back injury. Somers' husband and manager

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the network responded to Suzanne Somers' demands by offering her a $5,000 raise per episode, which still left her making $115,000 less than John Ritter. Things got really tense when Somers missed taping two episodes of the show, claiming the flare-up of an old back injury. Somers' husband and manager Alan Hamel recalled that he received a phone call from someone who knew of what ABC had planned for Somers, who told him "They're going to hang a nun in the marketplace and the nun is Suzanne." 

Hamel went on to note that Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams, the stars of the hit television show "Laverne & Shirley," had recently successfully lobbied for higher salaries: "The network was will­ing to do this because earlier that year the women on "Laverne & Shirley" had gotten what they asked for and they wanted to put a stop to it. They'd destroy the chemistry on "Company" to make a point." 

Somers was fired and replaced by Jennilee Harrison, who was introduced as Chrissy's cousin, Cindy Snow. In a May 2022 interview with Fox News, Somers recalled getting the news from Hamel: "He looked at me, shook his head, and said, 'You're out. You were gone within the first five minutes when I walked into the meeting.' — Now, I was out of work and labeled 'trouble' only because I wanted to be paid fairly for doing my job."

