What is the Bubba Wallace controversy surrounding Danica Patrick?

The awkward interaction between Bubba Wallace and Danica Patrick has caught the attention of NASCAR fans. Wallace was concluding an interview with FOX before United Rentals Work United 500 in Phoenix when the incident occurred.

The awkward interaction between Bubba Wallace and Danica Patrick has caught the attention of NASCAR fans. Wallace was concluding an interview with FOX before United Rentals Work United 500 in Phoenix when the incident occurred.

Wallace was interviewed by Chris Myers, Clint Bowyer, and Patrick. After the interview, the 29-year-old shook hands with the presenters and reached behind Patrick, whose left arm seemed to be hooked.

According to Larry Brown Sports, Bubba Wallace was probably repositioning something on Patrick's back. The #23 driver could have been repositioning the wireless microphone transmitter on her back. The trivial incident perplexed fans as the angle on television portrayed the incomplete story.

Although Patrick seemed confused when the incident took place, she has not commented on the incident. She completed her two-race stint as a guest announcer for FOX in Las Vegas and Phoenix. Patrick and Tony Stewart served as guest announcers at alternate race weekends.

Danica Patrick is a global icon representing a female presence in the world of motorsports. She is the most successful woman in racing history. The 40-year-old has 116 Indycar starts and is the only woman to win an Indycar Series race, standing on the top step of the podium at the Indy Japan 300 in 2008.

Patrick is also famous for her exploits in stock car racing. She has 191 starts in the Cup Series with seven top-ten finishes. In 2013, Patrick became the first woman to grab pole position in the Cup Series by topping the speed chart at the Daytona 500. She went on to finish the race in eighth position. She retired from full-time racing in 2017 but raced in the Daytona 500 and the Indy 500 the following year.

"NASCAR should kick Wallace out": Fans react to the incident between Bubba Wallace and Danica Patrick

As the exchange between Bubba Wallace and Danica Patrick went viral, fans were quick to dish out allegations about Wallace. Most TV viewers were handicapped by the camera angle and were left baffled by the exchange between Wallace and Patrick.

A few reactions from the fans read:

A few fans argued that the driver was helping the co-host.

Bubba Wallace finished the race in 14th position. Wallace has not had a strong start to the season. At the season opener in Daytona, Wallace was involved in a crash, finishing the race in 20th position. In the next three races, he was classified 30th, 4th, and 14th.

The #23 driver currently occupies the 13th position in the driver's standings. With a shaky start to his 2023 campaign, Wallace will be looking forward to gaining momentum in the upcoming races.

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