LSU Tigers vs. Florida State rivalry history

Perhaps one of the biggest games of the early college football season is upon us: The LSU Tigers vs. Florida State Seminoles. These two storied programs are set to lock horns in Orlando, continuing a rivalry that has spanned decades. But who is actually winning this historical matchup so far?

Perhaps one of the biggest games of the early college football season is upon us: The LSU Tigers vs. Florida State Seminoles. These two storied programs are set to lock horns in Orlando, continuing a rivalry that has spanned decades. But who is actually winning this historical matchup so far?

The two teams first met way back on Dec. 30, 1968, at the Peach Bowl. LSU won that meeting 31-27. But unlike a lot of other CFB rivalries that have continued regularly for years (i.e. Ohio State and Michigan's "The Game"), this one isn't as regular as one might believe. That's because before the two teams met last year, they had not played each other in over 30 years.

After that first meeting in 1968, the two programs met semi-regularly until 1991. The two teams didn't meet from 1984 to 1988, and then, from 1991 until 2022.

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How many times have FSU and LSU played each other?

The two programs have only met 10 times so far. Most of the meetings featuring the LSU Tigers and Florida State Seminoles were in Louisiana, on the Tigers' home turf. Six games were played in Baton Rouge and one in New Orleans. The only time the 'Noles ever played on home turf was in 1990 in Tallahassee, where they were destroyed by the Tigers.

Their first-ever meeting was held in neutral ground: the famed Peach Bowl.

Two games are heralded as the most noteworthy ones, the ones in between the series' 31-year hiatus.


As mentioned earlier, the LSU Tigers and Florida State Seminoles had their most recent match on Sept. 4, 2022, which was 30 years after their previous meeting in 1991. The Seminoles emerged victorious with a score of 24-23, despite facing a strong comeback from the Tigers in the final minutes.

LSU was down seven with 10 seconds left when QB Jayden Daniels managed to throw a touchdown pass to Jaray Jenkins. That cut the deficit to just one point with no time remaining. The Tigers looked to send the game to OT, but the extra point attempt was blocked, with FSU surviving what could've been a devastating meltdown.


The 1991 matchup was far more convincing for the 'Noles, in comparison. They were down 13-0 early to a Tigers team that wasn't doing well that season. Even so, LSU was fresh off a victory over Ole Miss, and was raring to go. Eventually, FSU got its wits together and managed to rally to secure the victory.

LSU vs. Florida Head to Head

The history of the LSU Tigers vs. Florida State Seminoles football series is one-sided. The 'Noles have won the last five contests and are 8-2 versus the Tigers overall.

LSU is looking to pick up its first win vs. FSU since 1982. We'll see whether that happens on Sept. 3, 2023.

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