Friday the 13th series vs A Nightmare on Elm Street series

Whoa, so Kelly Rowland, aka the best thing about Destiny's Child, was in one of these movies? Yes, I just watched Freddy vs Jason. Guys? I [italic]enjoyed[/italic] this one! So much. It was a lot of fun, probably the most fun I've had watching one of these films since Friday the 13th part 6. I

Whoa, so Kelly Rowland, aka the best thing about Destiny's Child, was in one of these movies?

Yes, I just watched Freddy vs Jason.

Guys? I [italic]enjoyed[/italic] this one! So much. It was a lot of fun, probably the most fun I've had watching one of these films since Friday the 13th part 6. I was not expecting this, I thought it was going to be terrible.

I've said many times before, to me the very best aesthetic in film is your mid/late 70s to early 80s, and I stand by that. That's my jam. And I would say the look of the late 90s/early 00s films doesn't stand up in the same way - at all. BUT. Guys, these were MY years. I was a late teen and early 20s person during this time. I was watching a lot of these types of movies. So much so, that I'm surprised I hadn't seen this before. Watching this invoke a lot of nostalgia.

But it wasn't just nostalgia, this movie had a lot of fun in it, some great pacing so I never got bored, some cool kills, and just a great, fun time. Robert Englund still looking good to me. I really liked that first kill of the douchebag in bed, especially when Jason shut the bed up, and his body snapped in half backwards. So cool. (But movie? If there's a character that a girl only sleeps with because he has a "nice ass", you need to show it to us so us as the audience can make up our own mind, ok? He can't be shown in boxers immediately post-nut, makes no sense. Just sayin'.)

I have to say: "holy fake tits!" This is the first time in these movies I remember seeing them, in fact it seemed like most of the girls had them. I'm sorry, they're not attractive, I just don't get it.

The only thing that stood out to me that I didn't like was the use of that special type of cam that was popular around this time. I don't have the terms to describe what I mean technically, but it's that jolty, quick cut yet looks vaguely slow motion at the same time effect. Seen for example when Laurie goes into that 'back in time' dream to see Jason being picked on at camp. I never liked this effect, even at the time.

Was Laurie played by Abby from Dawson's Creek? And the cop was the micropenis guy from Scary Movie, haha.

Oh, I didn't love Freddy's "dark meat" line, immediately followed by Kelly calling him a "faggot". That was weird, like I remember those days, I swear it was "that's so gay" as an insult, but not faggot unless someone was a real arsehole, and I don't think she was meant to be. Anyway, I'm not a big "Oh my god that's so offensive!" person, it was just the one-two punch of those things sort of took me out of the movie for a minute.

Had a great time with this one, and after also enjoying An American Werewolf in London, I want to make it three for three tonight, but no idea what to watch next. The only thing I'm thinking of is Halloween 4 and apparently that is shit, haha.

Only the two remakes to go. When I started this project I wasn't sure I'd make it through in the 30 days. I still have a week to go, so yay, will do this easily.

