Quick Draw Rick McGraw | WrestleZone Forums

It wasn't just McGraw though. Bret mentions that before a match with the LOD, Hawk took a handful of pills and was basically asleep on the ring apron. How could the company allow wrestlers to go out there and risk their opponents safety by performing moves while being off their heads on drugs?

It's a shame that the only knowledge I have of Rick McGraw is what an earlier poster said, about the quote from Bret Hart's autobiography where he'd see McGraw pass out at the dining table night after night due to his drug problems. I know that was the culture at the time, with cocaine, pills and steroids being rampant, but it's still shocking to me that noone tried to intervene when it was clear one of their colleagues/employees had serious issues.

It wasn't just McGraw though. Bret mentions that before a match with the LOD, Hawk took a handful of pills and was basically asleep on the ring apron. How could the company allow wrestlers to go out there and risk their opponents safety by performing moves while being off their heads on drugs?

Insane. It's amazing that no-one was killed in the ring by a high-as-fuck wrestler.

